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Time Heals All Wounds

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Do you believe in this saying, time heals all wounds? Those words seem to carry more weight but it is definitely so much easier to just read them as they are and just let it flow and drift to where it’s supposed to be or mean.

But I linger on those words again. What do those words really mean? The more I try to absorb what it means, the harder it is to understand. Then, after much contemplation in my brain, it starts to ring a bell. I hope it really does. I hope that time really heals all wounds.

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As i ponder on the thought, I am realising how time seems to move so slow when one is trying to heal a wound. The brain cells move fast as the heart tries to catch up. Yes, I’d like to think that time heals all wounds.

Come to think of it, when you were heartbroken, beaten and crashed, you would probably say your greatest friend is time. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. “Learn to leak your own wounds”. Let God renew your spirit and strength.

Why do humans fail and get wounded? The simple answer is that…so we will all learn how to pick ourselves up.

Here are some of the things you can do in the process of healing:


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  • Own your space. As you are figuring out the best way to pick yourself up, this is also the best time to take your space and really own it. More often, people want to quickly want to forget what happened in the past by associating themselves to their friends or family, talking and hanging out with them in the hope to fill the time. This time, do yourself a favour to just be in the moment. Grieve if you must. Cry louder if it makes you feel better. Write in your journal if it suits you. Listen to a song or simply pray if you feel you needed it. But during this time, allow yourself to feel the emotions flow in your entire body.

If you ignore the pain, the pain will come to haunt you again. Maybe not soon but perhaps in the future and when that happened, you would realise that the pain was still there. Yes the pain will not go away completely. But it will change you. The pain will only be healed when you allow it to be…naturally…from the inside of you.

  • Build a good foundation. Much like building a house, you want to build a good foundation. This foundation is your “being”. You are starting anew and experience thought you well. This is a good time to remember and revisit the values that you feel are important to you. When people are consumed either by happiness or pain, they may ignore their own values to please people or because the situation calls for it that they allowed a situation contradicting to their values to take over. As you allow yourself to complete healing, it is crucial to recognise your most protected values that makes you as a human being.

It is much harder and costly to renovate a house later on. So why now take this golden opportunity to redesign your life and set a good foundation.

  • Welcome visitors. Towards healing and starting anew, you would soon realise that you are more open to receiving new people into your life. You are more careful in choosing to invite visitors in your house. You are wiser because you have owned your “space” and set a good foundation. Good people will naturally be attracted to you because you radiate to the people that probably holds a similar space and protects the same values as you do.
  • Let go completely and let time heal your wounds. Trust the process. Pray always.

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