International Student reflecting on what she wrote in her journal

How to build the habit of “intentional and purposeful living” every single day?

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Things can be so overwhelming specially when starting a new job in a new industry. This is my situation right now. I had promised myself that I would be consistently uploading article for this blog at least every week and so far, I have missed twice. The shortfall made me realise the importance of intentional living and really breathe it every single day which also points the significance of having a “ME time” – to have at least one hour of quiet time for self-reflection and self-care.

Why build the habit of intentional and purposeful living?

Here are the reasons why:

  • One hour of “quiet time” for yourself also means you have time to nourish yourself spiritually. As I am a Christian, this means time for praying. This is more to thank God for all the blessings of yesterday and today. Prayer for renewed strength and guidance for what he willed me to do for the day.
  • The quiet time gives you the opportunity to listen to music or podcast or watch Youtube content that contributes to your personal or professional growth. I normally divide my “watch time” for topics for my personal growth or entertainment and topics that can help me advance in my profession.
  • The quiet time sets you in the mood to really reflect on what is going in your life “right now” – in the moment. This is the time where you have the opportunity to face yourself truthfully. Where are you at the moment? Is your current life situation bringing you real happiness? Is it leading you to where you want to be? Is it serving your goals? Is it serving your purpose? These are important questions that you need to pay attention to not only when the needs arise, or situation calls for it but these are life’s questions that needs attention every single day. Unfortunately, I am one of the many who are guilty of having “excuses” of not having enough time to face those important questions concerning my life.

The challenge is that no one else can remind you every day that you need to pay attention to your “Me Time” unless you have a mentor or a partner that is willing to remind you. The truth is, no one else will be more responsible and accountable for yourself except you. Fortunately, even being chronically bad at it, you can still begin and decide to change.

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3 things you can do to build the habit of “checking on yourself”:

  1. Morning is a great start to do this “ME time” at least this is what I’ve learned from the successful people I am following. But honestly, I fail to do this in the morning. The best I could do right after I wake up in the morning is to pray to God to give thanks. I usually have quieter “me time” at night before going to sleep. 
  2. Check on yourself before even looking at your phone and browse social media by intentionally asking yourself, “What could I do before I go to sleep such that I can make use of my “me time” that best serves me purposefully?” 
  3. Pray. Start by reading a bible passage and reflect on the passage. Ask yourself this, “what does this passage really mean? What is the meaning behind those passage? How can I apply it in my life now?

When building a new habit, you don’t have to force yourself to start taking big steps. Start small and do it consistently.


As a final thought, I realize that it is important for me to lead my everyday life intentionally fulfilling it with joyous moments that leads me closer to God’s will for me. I also realize that I should always strive to fill my life with intentional acts and that I should be patient and ever paying attention to myself, not to be of selfish nature but to be that of a human being who is aiming to be always intentionally good at every areas of my life. I realize that only by paying attention to myself that I get to be more open to giving to the needs of the people around me.

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